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MarieMarie is in fact Maria-Helene Elisabeth Anna Elke Simone – and one could only speculate that the variety of names also shows in her personality. So it is no surprise that she is not only singer and harpist but producer, lyricist, composer and arranger. MarieMarie is currently working on her new Album O which is going to be released on Universal Music in 2017.

Anne Böckler-Raettig

Anne Böckler-Raettig is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Psychology at Würzburg University. She studied in Berlin and Glasgow and completed her PhD at Radboud University in Nijmegen. After a research stay in Princeton, Anne worked as a Postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig. Anne employs methods from psychology, neuroscience and behavioral economics to investigate the processes that underlie social understanding and social interaction. Specifically, she is interested in gaze behavior, empathy, perspective-taking and social decision-making. More recently, Anne began to address the malleability of socio-affective and socio-cognitive capacities and interpersonal behavior by means of meditation based trainings.

Benita Matofska

The indomitable Benita’s passion for the Sharing Economy and how it can change the world led her to set up global movement and social enterprise The People Who Share and Global Sharing Week, which now reaches 100 million people worldwide. Her blog ‘What is the Sharing Economy?’ defined what is now known to be one of the greatest trends of all time. Driven by the belief that sharing is a solution to our complex global problems, Benita has been named Ogunte Best Social Business Leader, World, Venus Inspirational Woman of the Year and winner of the Cabinet Office / Nesta Innovation in Giving Award.

Daniel Koehler

Daniel Koehler studied religion, politics and economics at Princeton University and Free University Berlin. He specialized on terrorism, radicalization, and deradicalization and worked as a deradicalization and family counselor in multiple programs and developed several methodological approaches to countering violent extremism, especially family counselling programs around the world and gave expert interviews for leading international news outlets such as Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, Rolling Stone Magazine, the Associated Press, or the London Sunday Times.

Frank Kühne

A couple of years ago, Frank Kühne started an expedition into the peculiar world of German butchers. Together with a trio of young ladies, he was trying to figure out if there was a future for the craftsmanship. The issue is far from trivial. Only in the past decade, more than 4.000 butcher shops closed down in Germany. As supermarkets and convenience food flourished, meat shops faded away. During their journey, Frank and his team found out that butchers themselves are part of the problem: caught in a David x Goliath price-battle, many have forgotten what their role is all about. Butchers are a crucial player in a sustainable food chain. Operating in a small-scale, they are the direct link between consumers and farmers. Butchers have also been, for centuries, one of the most influential makers at the German food culture.

Greg Gage

Greg Gage is the co-founder and CEO of Backyard Brains, a company started with labmate Tim Marzullo while a graduate students in the Neural Engineering Lab at the University of Michigan. Greg is a published neuroscientist and engineer and has help developed tools, curriculum and experiments that allow the general public participate, hands-on, in neural discovery. He is senior fellow at TED and has given many TED talks, a director's innovation award winning investigator at the National Institute of Health, and was recognized in a White House ceremony for being a Champion of Change for his commitment to citizen science. In his free time, he enjoys changing diapers of his 2 young daughters.

Nolen Gertz

Nolen Gertz studied Philosophy at the New School for Social Research, working on the relationship between how wars are justified and the trauma experienced by combatants. This led to the publication of his book, The Philosophy of War and Exile (Palgrave 2014), which provides a new philosophy of PTSD, viewing the trauma of war as the result of our fundamental trust in the world rather than only what happens on the battlefield. Twitter: @ethicistforhire

Simon Anholt

“The only remaining superpower is international public opinion,” says Simon Anholt, an independent policy advisor who has helped more than 50 countries engage more productively with the rest of the world. He believes that public opinion cannot be shifted on the surface, but only moves when a government makes real changes in its values and behavior by rolling out enlightened policies, developing dynamic exchanges with other nations and committing to global betterment. Twitter: @SimonAnholt

Stephan Rathgeber

Stephan is Director Marketing at ManpowerGroup Germany. He is responsible for brand positioning, communications and digital marketing. Together with his team of spectacular marketers he leaves no stone unturned to make digital transformation happen.

Wijnand Nuijts

Wijnand is heading the 'Governance, Culture & Organizational behavior' department of the Dutch Central Bank. Since its inception in 2010, he has been responsible for developing a new type of supervision focusing on leadership styles, group dynamics and the quality of corporate decision making. Together with a multidisciplinary team of organizational psychologists and governance experts, he is responsible for conducting numerous examinations into the effects of behavioural patterns for the performance of Dutch financial institutions. Personally, he takes great interest in analyzing human behavior within the context of board decision-making processes and he is convinced that a closer focus on human behavior with organizations and their boards, will contribute to their sustainable (financial) performance. Prior to heading DNB’s culture & behavior department, Wijnand had several management positions within the Dutch Central Bank.





Just guessing here, but I would imagine that working in a casino would be one of the more depressing jobs you could have unless you were in the upper level of the business. The average casino worker spends hours surrounded by the lights and unyielding noise of the slot machines, with no windows to the outside world, and are in constant contact with so many people desperately gambling and trying to win money who inevitably lose everything they’ve wagered. Depressing.

Casino Diapers

So when I saw a Reddit thread that asked casino workers to share the saddest moments they have ever witnessed, I figured it was going to be filled with some seriously bummer sh*t.

Turns out I wasn’t completely right. Mostly, but not completely.

A former poker dealer at a casino shared a particularly horrible story that will certainly test your faith in humanity.

An older gentleman started to have a heart attack at the table. I called the floor person for assistance with the call button. Paramedics are rushed in etc. all within minutes. I’m this instance I am instructed to keep the game rolling by the floor person as he whispered in my ear.

Two hands are dealt and played and a player at the table requested the heart attack guy get moved somewhere else as it is disrupting the game. Another player asked to have his chips picked up and call for the “open seat” because “we have a wait list.”

I was disgusted.

I’m disgusted just reading about it.

A former valet at a casino tells this story…

The amount of daily regulars who drove barely functioning vehicles full of trash, roaches, and rats who would actually valet their car and go gamble away any money they had to their name was honestly depressing.

The saddest I remember was a 90+ year old lady who drove a 91 corolla and when we got in her car we realized she had no power steering fluid at all and her steering wheel would barely turn. I have no earthly idea how her frail arms could turn it. We went and bought her some before she left that evening.

Here are a couple of more typical stories…

During my 8 hour shift a gentleman won $15,000 on a slot machine. Punched out at end of shift and had the next two days off. Returned to work after my weekend to find the man still sitting at the same slot machine. He had been there for 2+ days losing $15,000.

That is the definition of sad.

There were these two middle aged Greek or Cypriot ladies who were ALWAYS on the slot machines, every day when I started my shift they were they and they were there when I finished 10 hours later. And still there in the same clothes the next day oftentimes. They were SUPER nice and always polite to the staff. One day they hit the jackpot and win big, I think it was either £15k or £45k, it was a good few years ago now.

Everyone was overjoyed for them – except the managers obviously. Well the managers then gave them free meals at the restaurant and an open bar tab until every single penny of that money was clawed back into the casino.

This next one is pretty disgusting, but the comments that follow are even worse.

Wearing Diapers Casino

My mom works as a dealer at a casino and has told me multiple stories of grown men wearing adult diapers at the table so they don’t have to leave to use the restroom.

Comment: As a Vegas regular I can attest it is orders of magnitude worse when they do not wear the diapers.

Comment: Oh totally. I worked at a casino in FL for a few years and saw a lot of these people. One guy sat at a slot machine for over 24 hours just pissing in his pants. There was so much piss on the floor that the casino eventually called the Seminole Police Department to come get him. I was just outside the doors when they were escorting him out and I heard him ask, “Why the hell do I have to leave?” The SPD officer replied, “Sir, you’ve urinated in your pants numerous times.” The guy then yelled out, “So what! I own these pants! They’re my pants to piss in!!!”

“They’re my pants to piss in!” is my new mantra. Also, I will never sit at a slot machine again for the rest of my life.


Here’s one filled with some timely holiday cheer…

It’s been about 15 years, but I worked in one for about 4 years.The one that stands out was a woman who came from the country to the “big” city to get X-Mas gifts for the whole family (including young kids who still beleived in Santa and all of that), but spent all of the Christmas money at the casino before going to the mall.

As one commenter who works in surveillance so astutely pointed out, “Casinos don’t invite the best kind of people.” Here’s an example of that.

We had to evacuate and close down for the rest of the day due to a burst pipe causing no running water. When I walked outside there was an elderly lady throwing a legit tantrum in the parking lot, she was on the ground kicking and screaming, her screams sounded like something you’d expect from someone who’d just lost a family member, not someone who had to leave the casino for a few hours. I left but some of the security who were dealing with her told me later she was too upset to drive home and they had to call a family member to pick her up.

And finally, just in case you still had the slightest shred of hope left for society.

I did casino security for 3 years before I became a police officer. Had a Code M (medical) early early one morning, around 4 or 5am. Old guy in his 80’s passed out and fell out of his chair, wife sitting next to him. I was the first to get to him, did a quick assessment and found he didn’t have a pulse, immediately started CPR. The old lady looked over and said “oh he does this all the time, don’t worry about him.” Between chest compressions, I told her he wasn’t breathing and she just kept playing her a lot machine. She didn’t miss a spin even when the paramedics took him away. I saw her again the next night and asked how he was doing. With the straightest face ever, she said, “oh he never woke up. I’m sure he’s in a freezer by now”… and went right back to the same machine she was playing the night before.

By the way, I left out the most depressing stories, if you can believe it, so if you feel like checking those out, please feel free to click here.