Egu Eu

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Please note that, besides general attendees of the conference, all individuals involved in any sessions, i.e. conveners, co-conveners, presenting authors, co-authors, as well as chairpersons, must be registered for the conference in order to obtain access to the live sessions. This is also required for authors of solicited presentations. Without completed registration, you will not be able to attend any event at vEGU21.

Egu Euskirchen

Egu Eu

General information

  1. Registration for the EGU General Assembly 2021 (#vEGU21: Gather Online) is secured via payment of the appropriate registration fee.
  2. Registering and paying the corresponding registration fee is personal, assigned to a single user account, and not transferable.
  3. Renew your EGU membership to benefit from reduced registration rates and to be eligible to submit an abstract. You can renew your membership while registering for the meeting.
  4. The registration fees are waived for (a) scientists receiving an EGU award or medal, (b) scientists with a permanent affiliation in a low- or lower-middle income country according to the World Bank definition, (c) PhD candidates from all middle income countries according to the World Bank definition, (d) 2021 EGU emeritus members, and (e) undergraduate or master students.

If you need any further information or have any suggestions don’t hesitate to get in touch via email: Thanks to all the speakers, attendees and members of the GMPV-ECS-Committee for moderating the talks so far: Frances, Francesco, Franzi, Mike, Niamh, Simona. The organizing committee. Emily Mason (University of Cambridge, UK). EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide.

Egu Eu

Registration fees

Early registration rates are available until 31 March 2021 and provide the payment options (a) by credit card or (b) by bank transfer. However, if you want to purchase an EGU membership while registering, the payment is by credit card only. Standard registration rates are applied from 1 April 2021 and until the end of the conference. These rates can online be paid by credit card.

CategoriesEarly rates
(by 31 March 2021)
Standard rates
EGU regular member 2021 (1)€150€180
EGU PhD candidate member 2021 (1,2)€75€90
EGU emeritus member 2021 (1,3)FreeFree
Regular non-member€180€210
PhD candidate non-member (2)€90€105
Emeritus non-member (3)n/an/a
Undergraduate or master student (2)FreeFree
Low- & lower-middle income countries (4)FreeFree
PhD candidate from all middle income countries (2,4)FreeFree
(1)Participants having paid their annual membership fee for 2021 to the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and/or to the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), or Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU).
(2)Please provide proof of status allowing us to set your user status to 'student' in our user administration database. This may take up to two working days.
(3)Aged 60 or older and retired from full-time employment. Please note that this requires us to set your user status to 'emeritus' in our user administration database. This may take up to two working days.
(4)Registration fees are waived for:
  • Scientists with a permanent affiliation in a low- or lower-middle income country according to the World Bank definition.
  • PhD candidates enrolled at an institute in a low-, lower-middle, or upper-middle income country according to the World Bank definition.
  • Examples:
    • A citizen of a lower-income country enrolled in a PhD programme at a university located in a lower-income country who is temporarily working at an institution in a high-income country for a couple of months is eligible for a vEGU21 fee waiver.
    • A citizen of a high-income country who is enrolled in a PhD programme at a university located in a lower-income country is also eligible for a vEGU21 fee waiver.
    • A person from a lower-income country who is enrolled in a PhD programme in a high-income country is not eligible for a vEGU21 fee waiver.
  • Documentation of the affiliation will be required.

Egu 2017

Instructions for online registration

Egu Euskera

  • Please ensure you have read and understood the cancellation policy on registration conditions as provided on the website.
  • All information should be typed in upper and lower case (e.g. Jane Smith).
  • Since the reverse-charge procedure is applied to registrations for pure online events, attendees from affiliations within EU countries must provide the valid VAT ID of their institution. Attendees from German affiliations are subject to German VAT taxation.
  • You will have the opportunity to review and edit any registration details before the final stage of payment.
  • 60 minutes is the maximum time allowance to complete the form before the system times out.
  • The current versions of Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Edge are the preferred platforms for use of the forms.

Terms and conditions


  • Early registration must be accompanied by payment. Otherwise, it will not be processed and the standard registration rates will be applied.
  • Registrations are for the person acquiring the registration and paying the registration fee; registrations are non-transferable.
  • Registration for the conference implies the acceptance of the rules of conduct.
  • Changes to registration invoices are only possible with regard to the invoice address or order references. Any such claims must be received by Copernicus Meetings no later than six weeks after the last day of the conference. Later requests cannot be considered.
  • Changes to the registration rate selected in the finalized registration form, including received invoice, are only possible for unpaid invoices. In this case, the attendee is asked to cancel the registration order and to place a new one through the registration form, including the correct registration rate. Please note that the deadline for early registration also applies in these cases.

Cancellation policy

  • Registration fees will only be refunded if the notice of cancellation is received by Copernicus Meetings before 31 March 2021. The cancellation fee is €50.
  • Cancellations after 31 March 2021 and no-shows are not eligible for a refund.
  • There is no reason (including but not limited to illness) for registration cancellation that makes the above-mentioned deadline for cancellations inapplicable.


By registering, participants acknowledge and consent that during their attendance at #vEGU21: Gather Online their contributions to online sessions may be recorded by an official of the conference. This content may be distributed or published at the discretion of the European Geosciences Union. If you do not wish to be recorded, you are required to formally advise the EGU Office in advance.